Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Recommendation: Monday Night Combat (Game)

Monday Night Combat on XBLA is, quite frankly, awesome. Sure, it could use some tweaking, some re-balancing in various areas (Support's Airstrike is a little absurdly good [I should know, Support is what I play]), but all in all it's a very solid game, with great, fluid gameplay, and an appealing aesthetic. Some might note that said aesthetic is "Team Fortress-like," but you would be mistaken if you were to call this a TF2-clone. It plays very differently from TF2, at the very least gameplay-wise... and that's all that matters in the end: gameplay, which is MNC's strong point.


  1. tf2 is the best around, trust me, it is. haha

    come to my blog dude, and read towards the bottom of the top post, and msg me!

  2. cool, thanks! i'll have to check it out!

  3. Woah this looks awesome. I wish I still had my Xbox to check this out.
