Friday, September 3, 2010

Recommendation: Indie Games

Those of you with an online Xbox 360 will have undoubtedly checked out the "Indie Game" section already. Cheap they may be in price, but even cheaper they certainly are in quality. But believe it or not, there's a few gems floating in that sea of crap, and I'm here to shine some light upon them.

Soulcaster is an oldschool-styled, 16-bit dungeon crawler where you play a summoner who, well, summons stuff. Units, to be exact. You can upgrade said units, and where you deploy them adds a level of strategy to the game. Think tower defense/dungeon crawler hybrid. Very intense, and a decent challenge. 240 Microsoft Points


Protect Me Knight, another oldschool throwback, is similar in its strategic elements but with a much stronger emphasis on the actual characters. This game has full 4-player local co-op, with 4 different characters for people to play and upgrade. Highly fun and addictive if you have people to play with. 240 Microsoft Points


  1. Looks interesting but idont have a 360

  2. these are actually some good looking games.

  3. @Viperman: Hmm. PS3 fan? It's too bad, I don't think the PS3 has anything like Xbox Indies.

  4. Looks good,might have to get me some when i buy my new 360

  5. I love old style games. New stuff just isn't my thing.

  6. might have to try these out. thanks

  7. Reminds me of playing gauntlet, zelda, pokemon blue and stuff like that, 4 directions was all you needed back then

  8. Old school 8 and 16-bit games, there's nothing else.

  9. Yeah, I love me some 16 bit ! SNES!

  10. Soulcaster reminds me of the good old days. also the days of terrible, terrible graphics.
